Puneet Suppal

Date: 11 Dec, 2020

The “Ten” you need for a successful 2021

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Blog Header_02Last week Bill Gates offered his annual list of the top 5 books to read, “5 good books for a lousy year.” I think most of us can agree that 2020 has not been the greatest year of our lives. A year that has been a defining one for many – and largely because of the coronavirus pandemic.

As I write this, the virus continues to disrupt lives everywhere but it is encouraging to note that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In the spirit of looking at what’s positive and what we can use in the year ahead to retake our lives so consumed by this pandemic, let’s take a look at what we’ve found out this year. Not having as profound a view on life and the world as Mr. Gates, I’ll stick to something closer to home.

At OpsVeda, we found that a good number of companies wanted to embark more aggressively on their digital transformation journeys – particularly focused on becoming more capable in their operations across the enterprise. With this we have seen an uptick of activity in this matter, and an enhanced interest in what we have to offer. We took a closer look at what was it about what we offer that was attracting greater attention.

Here are the top 10 reasons (in no particular order) why for many OpsVeda is a clear choice.

ONE – Built for Agility

Focused on making the end-user and their team agile. Exceptions and anomalies are served up to end-users via alerts. The system comes with significant out-of-the-box capabilities and is also highly customizable. Robust “what-if” modeling for better decisions, and algorithms to optimize decision options vs. inefficient error-prone manual processes make it an extremely nimble and capable system.

TWO – Unlock Business Value

We believe in being invested in your success. Hence, merely reporting on problems, errors or anomalies is insufficient. With OpsVeda you can easily gain 2% improvement in operating margin through the entire journey. Based on a value creation model, OpsVeda offers flexible pricing options as well.

THREE – Real-time

Time and timing are of the essence. With OpsVeda you have the ability to be truly real-time or near real-time, as needed. This means it is event driven, enabling continuous monitoring, real-time analysis and live storyboards. Essentially, OpsVeda reflects the truth of your transaction systems at any given point in time, at that very point in time.

FOUR – AI-infused JUNI

OpsVeda comes standard with a domain-aware, AI-powered data discovery agent, called JUNI. It understands business functions and analyzes them, applying rules and data-aware queries, to provide actionable intelligence. It is Natural language understanding (NLU) and Natural language processing (NLP) capable with an intuitive and minimalist UI. With drill down, parking and collaboration abilities, JUNI is one of a kind. And, it gives you the ability to configure your own way of interacting with the information.

FIVE – Solution Factory

This rich source of business content offers a range of solution packages, and apps that can help locate and take advantage of opportunities to further minimize risk and enhance margins. With literally hundreds of out-of-the-box storyboards across a range of solution packages, this rich repository of content jumpstarts your OpsVeda journey.

SIX – Predictive & Prescriptive

The OpsVeda system doesn’t merely apply simple rules to present outcome options. Applying sophisticated algorithms, and taking advantage of machine learning capabilities, the system provides prescriptive options which have specific outcomes associated with them. It becomes your “early warning system” by employing real-time monitoring of supply chain events, resulting in efficiency improvements in your sourcing, manufacturing or sales and distribution activities.

SEVEN – Automate Decisions

Automation is not merely about taking the human element out of the mix. It is just as much about making an intelligent determination of the “what” and “when” with respect to automation. Not every decision is an appropriate candidate for automation. Decisions that can yield greater advantage in terms of efficiencies gained and costs saved need to be identified first; the OpsVeda solution delivers a seamless flow from that first step to Bot deployment. Industry leading Bots are created and deployed specifically to address the decisions at hand in an intelligent manner.

EIGHT – Beyond Business Intelligence

Let’s face it – business intelligence (BI) as we know it is great but can’t be the answer to all the intelligence needs an enterprise has. BI typically works off of stale data which necessarily makes it somewhat limited in how far it can go in serving the needs of operational agility. There is a need to go beyond the latency and rigidity of BI. Operational Intelligence (OI) done the OpsVeda way presents continuous intelligence covering all operations across the enterprise, thus effectively serving as an early warning system.

NINE – Non-disruptive

The solution runs on a platform built using open-source technology and fitted with a large number of adapters. It can work with any data source – streaming as well as data stores. As a result, it works with any existing data lake, enterprise data warehouse or ERP with zero need to replace any existing system. Hence, there is no disruption to your technology landscape. It is capable of working in parallel with everything that is currently functional in any landscape, so no hard decisions need to be made when bringing OpsVeda into the fold. This is huge as it simultaneously provides executives and employees a way to engage more effectively.

TEN – Time-tested & Proven

OpsVeda has served a number of companies very effectively. Many who are currently enjoying the benefits of the OpsVeda operational intelligence software turned to it for a number of reasons such as their own failed BI initiative (in-house or with another vendor), or revenue leakage due to lack of proactive and real-time visibility/insights into demand, supply and inventory, for example, in the areas of Shipments and Warehouse Workload, Container Prioritization, Lost Sales, and Margin Management. Absence of end-to-end monitoring and tracking, delays and high manufacturing cost without automated supplier collaboration, and reliance on tribal knowledge in the absence of consistent and accurate information are other reasons that have led many to seek a remedy from OpsVeda.

The post-pandemic world with perhaps its unique set of challenges will require a superlative level of agility for any enterprise to maintain its competitive edge. It is time to think of 2021 in new ways. Any one of these 10 reasons to opt for OpsVeda should at the very least pique your curiosity – taken together they make a strong argument one is well-advised to not ignore.

Intrigued? Give us a call or drop us a note and we’ll be happy to take a deeper dive with you. Let’s ring in a new year with new intent.


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